Optional extras

The Cabri G2 can be fitted with Night-VFR equipment, floats, cargo hook and more

Night-VFR equipment

The Cabri G2 is certified for night-VFR, and its remarkable flight stability associated with its perfect visibility make flying at night easy and a real pleasure.  Several gyroscopic instruments are installed, depending on each country requirement, including an artificial horizon, a directional gyro and a turn & bank indicator.

Two certified primary navigation options can be chosen:
The Garmin GTN 650 COM / NAV / GPS unit or the Garmin SL 30 COM / NAV unit.

A modern Garmin GTN 750 GPS moving map is now offered as an option.  Featuring a large ultra-bright touchscreen, this equipment is a perfect fit to the Cabri’s cockpit, where it is in perfect reach of the pilot and copilot.

Pop-out floats

The Cabri is available with an optional, innovative, emergency flotation system.  This equipment doesn’t affect the helicopter’s performance, nor its outstanding flying qualities.  The Cabri’s exceptional maneuverability enables safe float deployment above 140 kts!

The gas cylinder is hidden in the luggage compartment, where it causes a negligible penalty in useful volume.  Particularly, an airline “cabin-size” suitcase still fits inside and the inflation hoses are neatly faired inside a landing gear bow fairing.  The arming and triggering switches are neatly integrated in the panel and on the collective lever.

The floats are folded in two clusters attached to the skids which double as steps.  The landing gear and the handling wheels remain standard.
Included is a dual circuit that triggers the floats when the helicopter touches down on water, in case the pilot lacked the time to do so.

The float clusters can be removed and installed very easily by the pilot, thanks to quick-disconnect fittings
This feature makes it possible to save payload and cost, installing the floats only when it’s necessary.
Moreover, it makes it possible to share the same floats amongst several helicopters of the same fleet.

Air conditioning (contact for availability)

The Cabri can be fitted with an air conditioning installation, perfectly integrated in the helicopter.
The installation comprises three air outlets, two of them being adjustable.  Apart from a modest weight penalty, the A/C installation presents little or no penalty.  In particular, it doesn’t impair the helicopter hovering performance, thanks to an automatic disengagement at higher power setting.  The condenser, located under the luggage compartment floor, does not reduce significantly the compartment capacity. Notably, it will still hold two airline-cabin size suitcases.

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